CCMA Political greenBrief
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
State Senator Robert Hertzberg Introduced A Bill, SB 51, That Would Provide For The Licensing And Regulation Of Cannabis Limited Charter Banks And Credit Unions Under The Oversight Of The Commissioner Of Business Oversight.
“Since D.C. voters approved Initiative 71 to decriminalize recreational marijuana we have seen marijuana-related arrests plummet, representing thousands of District residents who were spared needless involvement in the judicial system. The logical next step, to continue to reduce arrests and to bring marijuana totally out of the shadows, is to set up a strong tax and regulatory system.”Washington D.C. At-Large Councilmember David Grosso (I) On His Marijuana Legalization & Regulation Act
“I am committed to ensuring that marijuana reform goes hand-in-hand with criminal justice reform so we can repair some of the harm of the failed War on Drugs. We must also work to build an industry that is equitable and inclusive of the communities most impacted by cannabis prohibition.”Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) On Joining The Congressional Cannabis Caucus

California Legislature Mulls Cannabis Bank Charters (CA – Cannabis Banking)
The National Law Review (January 8, 2019) One of the first bills introduced in the current California legislative biennium proposes to enact a Cannabis Limited Charter Banking and Credit Union Law. Authored by Senator Robert M. Hertzberg, SB 51 is an attempt to address the fact that cannabis businesses are unable to open and use checking accounts, make or receive electronic payments, or accept credit or debit cards because cannabis remains illegal under federal law. If it remains so and is enacted, it would not take effect until January 1, 2020. Thus, it may be some time before we see the “First Bank of Doobie” in the Golden State.
Hurdles For California’s Cannabis Industry Have Slowed Growth, But Many Still Expect A Business High (CA – Cannabis Industry)
BisNow (January 7, 2019) Since California started allowing the use of recreational marijuana for adults 21 and over last year, many experts expected a boom in cannabis businesses and commercial real estate activity — industrial buildings and retail storefronts getting gobbled up by cannabis entrepreneurs. But high taxes on licensed operators, a long, expensive regulatory process, an unregulated black market and unfriendly cities have dampened the spirits of legitimate cannabis operators and those wanting a piece of the action. Despite the early challenges, for those who decide to stick it out, the potential for growth and profits are there.
In California, Cannabis Beats Traditional Agriculture On Pesticide Safety Compliance (CA – Cannabis Cultivation)
Cannabis Now (January 7, 2019) For farmers in California’s emergent legal market, it’s not easy being green enough to comply with the state’s pesticide regulations, especially when it seems like there is little framework for them to do so. But despite all that doom and gloom, some recently released reports have shed some light on the topic, and surprisingly, even though cannabis farmers do not have any of the perks enjoyed by traditional agriculture, they are actually more compliant with state safety guidelines than their non-cannabis counterparts.
State Finds Some Monterey County Produce Exceeded Pesticide Limits (CA – Pesticide Use)
The Californian (January 4, 2019) Months after a court ordered a ban on chlorpyrifos sales, a pesticide linked with neurological deficits in children, California reported it found chlorpyrifos-contaminated fruits and vegetables for sale in California. Additionally, some Monterey County-grown produce the California Department of Pesticide Regulation tested in 2018 contained illegal amounts of other pesticide residue.
Humboldt County Sheriff Slams ‘Highly Sensationalized’ Netflix Documentary ‘Murder Mountain’ (CA – Cannabis Documentary)
SFGate (January 8, 2019) “Maybe there is a serial killer that is killing all these people or something, all these missing people.” That theory — with little support — comes about 10 minutes into the new Netflix series “Murder Mountain,” which examines the high rate of missing persons in Humboldt County. In a lengthy Facebook post last week, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office attempted to combat the narrative, saying the producers relied on “unofficial and biased sources” to depict the county where people vanish and are never found. According to the department, which was interviewed throughout the documentary, the entire premise of the show changed after filming began.
D.C. Lawmaker Files Bill To Legalize Marijuana Sales Despite Federal Concerns (USA – Cannabis Legislation)
Marijuana Moment (January 8, 2019) With Democrats in the majority in the U.S. House, there’s renewed hope that Washington D.C. could finally get a retail marijuana system in place almost five years after residents voted to legalize low-level possession and home cultivation. But the fate of a legalization bill that was filed in the city on Tuesday remains uncertain. At-large Councilmember David Grosso (I) re-introduced his Marijuana Legalization and Regulation Act with a series of new provisions aimed at remediating the racially disproportionate harms of prohibition. That includes establishing an automatic expungement program for individuals who have convictions for cannabis offenses.
New Congressional Cannabis Caucus Takes Shape (USA – Cannabis Politics)
Marijuana Moment (January 9, 2019) The departure of Reps. Jared Polis (D-CO) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) from Congress left vacant two seats on the bipartisan Congressional Cannabis Caucus. But on Wednesday, the new co-chairs were announced: Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Dave Joyce (R-OH) will join Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Don Young (R-AK) to help shape the marijuana reform agenda in the House going forward.
Track-And-Trace Systems Are Still Working Out The Kinks (USA – Cannabis Retail)
MG Retailer (January 8, 2019) As a relatively new industry with unique needs, cannabis is at the forefront of technology, creating devices and software to advance efficiencies for cultivators, retailers, distributors, and other participants in the legal food chain. All that cutting-edge tech must work seamlessly and ceaselessly within each state’s regulatory environment. Within that zone of integration, wishful thinking encounters hard reality. Obviously, not all states mandate the same tracking system, but whatever system is used, every state that has legalized cannabis actively employs track-and-trace to separate the “good players from the bad players.”
Here’s Where All Of The Incoming US Governors Stand On Cannabis (USA – Cannabis Politics)
Civilized (January 9, 2019) January is a month of change. With the new year comes new resolve – especially in state houses across America as governors elected during the 2018 midterm elections take office. While many incumbent governors were reelected to their positions, there will be a total of 20 fresh faces who will have the chance to change the political landscape for their state. Whether or not they will enact that change is a different question all together.
Too High To Drive: States Grapple With Setting Limits On Weed Use Behind Wheel (USA – Cannabis Use)
California Healthline (January 9, 2019) State governments are testing ways to ensure that the integration of this once-illicit substance into everyday life doesn’t create new public health risks. These efforts are sparking a difficult question: At what point is someone too high to get behind the wheel? Marijuana, after all, weakens a driver’s ability to maintain focus, and it slows reflexes. But regulators are “playing catch-up,” suggested Thomas Marcotte, a psychiatry professor at the University of California-San Diego and one of a number of academics around the country who is researching driving while high.
Cannabis Is Poised To Be An $80 Billion Industry In The U.S. In 2030 (USA – Cannabis Market)
Yahoo! Finance (January 8, 2019) Cannabis is on track to be an even bigger disruptive force than previously anticipated, according to one of the industry’s top analysts. Vivien Azer, Cowen’s managing director and a leading analyst in the cannabis space, on Tuesday bumped up her forecast for U.S. cannabis sales to reach $80 billion by 2030, an increase of $5 billion from earlier estimates. This would represent an about 4% compound annual growth rate, relative to what Azer estimates is an about $50 billion industry today, and assumes federal legalization.
5 Ways The Cannabis Industry Has Matured (USA – Cannabis Industry)
Leafly (January 8, 2019) The legal cannabis industry has seen tremendous growth over the past few years, and it continues to improve each day. And with legality comes maturity—today’s world of weed is a far cry from that of yesteryear: there have been exponential improvements to the way we view cannabis, purchase cannabis, and live a cannabis lifestyle. Legalization has brought maturity, innovation, professionalism, and credibility to cannabis. Below, delve into five ways the industry has grown up.