CCMA ensures that its members have a voice in the conversation on the California cannabis legislative process. We make sure that our members have the most up-to-date information on public policies and the implications they have on our businesses. CCMA helps members thrive by delivering a keen understanding of trends, business projections, consumer data and more. With your CCMA membership, you will have access to legislative representatives, board members, industry professionals, data and insights to drive your business and maintain your competitive edge.
Associate Member
- Subscription to member-only newsletter,
the CCMA Greenbrief - Inclusion in member business directory
- Permission for CCMA logo use on member website(s)
- Three newsletter ads within 12 months
(~2,000 distribution) - Logo and link to company
website on CCMA website - Logo inclusion in weekly newsletters
- Member highlight on social media
- Limited access to member resources
- Participation in Lobby Days including
timely updates - Participate in shaping CCMA’s
legislative priorities
Supporting Member
- Subscription to member-only newsletter,
the CCMA Greenbrief - Inclusion in member business directory
- Permission for CCMA logo use on member website(s)
- Two newsletter ads within 12 months