CCMA Greenbrief April 30: Santa Barbara County Leads CA In Cultivation Permits… UC San Diego Secures Grant to Study MMJ for Autism Treatment… Legalization on MI’s November Ballot…

CCMA Political greenBrief
Monday, April 30, 2018

Veterans Aaron Newsom (left) And Jason Sweatt’s (right) Grass Roots Movement Shares Health Benefits Of Marijuana 

“I grew medical cannabis for myself in my spare bedroom. I didn’t tell anyone for at least a year, but when I finally told my mom and dad, with my dad being so conservative, I thought they’d freak out, but they were both totally supportive, because I was growing it for the right reasons.”
Aaron Newsom, Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance

“There have been fewer cannabis cultivation applicants than originally anticipated, primarily because many local jurisdictions throughout the state have prohibited or banned commercial cannabis cultivation activity, or are in the process of working out a local regulatory process.”
 Steve Lyle, spokesman for the Department of Agriculture.

Thousands of California Pot Farmers Are Risking the Black Market Despite Legalization (CA – State Regulations) 
NBC Conneticut (April 27, 2018) With weed currently being sold at rock-bottom prices, running a small pot farm simply doesn’t pencil out anymore for a lot of growers. On top of new fees and taxes levied by state and local agencies on growers opting to join the regulated market, it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for growers to bring their land up to code.

California Pot Shops About To Be On The Hook For Steep State Fees, Background Checks (CA – State Regulation)
The San Diego Union Tribune (April 30, 2018) California sought to jump-start its marijuana industry in January by giving businesses temporary, 120-day permits that briefly waived big fees and other costly requirements, but that grace period is ending and many say the expense and red tape of getting a regular license is a headache. Some pot shops face fees of $73,000 before they can get a regular annual license from the state Bureau of Cannabis Control.

University of California, San Diego Nets $4.7M Grant To Study MMJ For Autism (CA – Cannabis Research)
Ganjaprenuer (April 26, 2018) The University of California, San Diego has received a $4.7 million grant to study the efficacy of medical cannabis on autism spectrum disorders. The gift to the Center for Medical Cannabis Research to conduct the first-of-a-kind study is the largest private gift to date for medical cannabis research in the U.S.

Santa Barbara County Leads California In The Number Of Permits To Legally Grow Marijuana (CA – Local Ordinances)
The Orange County Register (April 28, 2018) Santa Barbara County and cities in its boundaries have received 799 permits to grow marijuana — 14 percent more than Humboldt County. That’s one surprising find from an analysis of the nearly 6,000 cannabis businesses that have received temporary state licenses in the four months since California began issuing such permits.

So far, California has 6,000 licensed cannabis businesses. Here’s what that looks like

Veterans’ Grass-Roots Movement Shares Health Benefits Of Marijuana (CA – Cannabis Cultivation)
CNN Health (April 28, 2018) To get away from the memories of war in Afghanistan — the violence, the unexpected danger, the rush of adrenaline and the hypervigilance that can come with post-traumatic stress disorder — Aaron Newsom started gardening. Since World War II, generations of veterans have found healing in horticulture. Digging in the dirt did that for Newsom, but the Marine, who served in an attack helicopter squadron, wanted more.

Pot Stocks, ETFs, Top News And Data From The Cannabis Industry This Week (USA – Cannabis Industry)
Benzinga (April 29, 2018) It seems since Former Republican House speaker John Boehner announced he was supporting cannabis legalization, the industry has been reveling in success. Things got better after President Donald Trump announced the federal government wouldn’t interfere with states’ rights to decide on their cannabis laws.

Has Support For Legal Marijuana Plateaued? (USA – Cannabis Investments)
Yahoo Finance (April 28, 2018) Legal marijuana is among the buzziest investments on Wall Street today. Over the trailing-two-year period, nearly all of the largest pot stocks by market cap have delivered triple- or quadruple-digit percentage gains for marijuana investors, handily outpacing a strong bull market. In recent months, excitement has begun to build as our neighbor to the north prepares to legalize recreational cannabis.

Cannabis Industry Sits On Precipice Of Major Expansion (USA – Cannabis Industry)
The Street (April 28, 2018) The cannabis industry could be on the precipice of real boom. Not the slow trickle of PIPEs and venture funding rounds investors have seen since 2014 but a full-fledge boom. Over the last two weeks, the cannabis industry has seen events which could bring a wave of institutional investment into the sector, as well as other changes.

Illinois Senate Votes To Give Medical Marijuana to Opioid Addicts (IL – Medical Marijuana)
High Times (April 27, 2018) The Illinois Senate votes to give medical marijuana to opioid addicts. But will access be enough to defeat addiction? Over the last two weeks, the cannabis industry has seen events which could bring a wave of institutional investment into the sector, as well as other changes.

Illinois Senate Votes To Give Medical Marijuana to Opioid Addicts

Cannabis Legalization Will Appear On Michigan Ballots in November (MI – State Regulations)
Ganjapreneur (April 27, 2018) Michigan voters will have the opportunity to legalize cannabis for adult use this November after the State Board of Canvassers approved the petition launched by the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol. Two Michigan polls have found majority support for the reforms.

As Medical Marijuana Program Moves Forward, Louisiana Doctors ‘Gun Shy’ About Recommending Drug (LA – Medical Marijuana)
The Advocate (April 29, 2018) Only a handful of doctors have become licensed to recommend medical marijuana to patients in Louisiana, raising concerns of a “bottleneck” when the drug becomes available in the coming months.

This Missouri Mother Is Fighting For Her Daughter’s Right To Use Medical Marijuana (MO – Medical Marijuana)
Every minute that it takes for a bill to expand Missouri’s medical marijuana program to make its way through the state legislature is excruciating for Cassandra Peterson and her daughter Elliana. assandra is pushing for the proposed bill to pass so that Elliana and other patients under 18 years old are eligible to use marijuana medicinally.

The Canadian Medical Association Wants To Scrap Canada’s Medical Marijuana Program (Canada – Medical Cannabis)
Civilized (April 30, 2018) The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) doesn’t want to be involved with the prescribing of cannabis once recreational legalization comes into effect.